March 22, 2021

How Snowflakes Crushed Chronic Depression

For years, Snowflakes (aka Elle Swan) wanted to die and couldn’t. Her inner "resume" includes: defying death twice, crushing chronic depression, conquering alcoholism, homelessness, and obesity. In her darkest days, she was destitute and living on the streets. Her only dream was to escape being alive. But, on May 29th, 2000, during an overdose in an abandoned van, her misery merged with death and she crossed-over into what she describes as “the belly of hell.” She'd been missing for 700 days and not one person who had ever cared for her knew her whereabouts. But, when your soul knows you belong here,” she says, “it won’t let you go.” As she was dying she screamed out to God and her spirit slammed back into her body. At that moment, she became deeply grateful for the gift of life and she has been soaring high ever since.

Her dramatic transformation unfolded into her quest for knowledge in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Yoga, Nutrition, Quantum Physics, and Self-Hypnosis. The synthesis of these modalities, combined with her life after death experience, shapes her uncanny ability to pinpoint lasting solutions. Assisting others in overcoming all self-defeating thinking and behavior is her life's purpose. The results have been astounding. She’s a world traveler who has faced lions in South Africa, skydived at 15,000 feet, and scaled the Himalayan Mountains by motorcycle. Her “now can be the now” philosophy can be used at work, at home, and in relationships.

As a Confidence Coach, she teaches and demonstrates how to unlock the most magical level of your being. Her programs and classes are carefully crafted to expedite your learning curve around spiritual growth and maximizing your potential. With over 50 television appearances, her message has been featured on ABC, FOX, NBC, PBS, and in The Wall Street Journal. She is a prolific visionary who ignites deep possibility, joy, and transformation in her clients and audiences around the world.

How did you start your business?

Technically, according to my mother, I have been coaching since I was 3 years old. My first clients were my dolls. Professionally, I began coaching after studying NLP and Hypnosis in 2003.

Your challenges and how you overcame them?

My biggest challenge was pulling myself out of the gutter literally and figuratively. My addiction led me to the tenderloin in San Francisco and time on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Dropping to that level in life is nearly impossible to transcend. It took every fiber of my being to get sober and keep putting one foot in front of the other. The cause of my downward spiral was untreated chronic depression that I experienced after the death of my father. He was dead for 3 days before anyone found his body and it broke me to my core.

Advice to others in that field?

My advice to others in the coaching profession would be to walk your talk, especially now on this planet. We have to hold ourselves to the highest standards and not compromise just for the sake of having clients and making money. When you focus on the soul before you, from a place of integrity, you don’t have to worry about getting clients. Those who need your services will find you. For years, I never even had to advertise. The transformation of the people I worked with, led to word of mouth and people found out about me because someone else shared their experience with others.

What should we know?  

That we were not born to fear our survival. We did not come here to be afraid of living. We came to live and be fully alive!

What do you do best?

What I do best is connect with the greatest potential of the people in front of me and then show them how to fearlessly access their power...quickly. I am known for shortening the learning curve for clients and audiences. I have a skill for making complex issues clear, concise and extremely practical.

What sets you apart from the competition? ‍

My aura. Each of us has a unique energy that surrounds us and when we unapologetically stand in it. I have a strong sense of purpose and in many ways that gives me an advantage. I have never wanted to blend in and as a result, that mindset helps me stand out.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I knew it was the path for me by the time I was 8 years old. My first business venture was braiding hair for adults in my neighborhood. I taught myself how to braid my own hair first and then I became my own “billboard.” I remember people being surprised by how good I was at such a young age. They were also surprised at how much I charged:) I knew my value and I was not afraid to express that I was worth it.

What are your future business goals?

I want to develop lifestyle products that help people stay focused on the NOW. Humans are either trapped mentally in their past or filled with anxiety about the future. The majority of the thoughts they think daily are the same things they worried about the day before. The only moment we ever have is now and when we bring all of ourselves to each moment fully we align with the flow of the Universe. We become magnets for the things that we desire.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote?

My motto in life is “NOW can be the now.” I am a big proponent of taking action and seizing the opportunity and the gifts that are available to us every day. My connection with you, for example, is a direct result of taking action in the NOW.

Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

I believe that on an unconscious level my soul came here knowing that what the great philosophers said about the present moment was true. All the wonderful things that have happened to me have happened as a result of me saying “yes” to the precious moment before me. The best “yes” I have ever said is when a stranger (who rescued me in an alley by a dumpster drinking a beer) asked me if I had a problem with drugs and alcohol. That yes changed the entire trajectory of my life.

How can our readers further follow your work?

My website is:  

My IG is: @living_with_snowflakes

My Tik Tok is: @the_real_snowflakes

March 22, 2021

How Snowflakes Crushed Chronic Depression

For years, Snowflakes (aka Elle Swan) wanted to die and couldn’t. Her inner "resume" includes: defying death twice, crushing chronic depression, conquering alcoholism, homelessness, and obesity. In her darkest days, she was destitute and living on the streets. Her only dream was to escape being alive. But, on May 29th, 2000, during an overdose in an abandoned van, her misery merged with death and she crossed-over into what she describes as “the belly of hell.” She'd been missing for 700 days and not one person who had ever cared for her knew her whereabouts. But, when your soul knows you belong here,” she says, “it won’t let you go.” As she was dying she screamed out to God and her spirit slammed back into her body. At that moment, she became deeply grateful for the gift of life and she has been soaring high ever since.

Her dramatic transformation unfolded into her quest for knowledge in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Yoga, Nutrition, Quantum Physics, and Self-Hypnosis. The synthesis of these modalities, combined with her life after death experience, shapes her uncanny ability to pinpoint lasting solutions. Assisting others in overcoming all self-defeating thinking and behavior is her life's purpose. The results have been astounding. She’s a world traveler who has faced lions in South Africa, skydived at 15,000 feet, and scaled the Himalayan Mountains by motorcycle. Her “now can be the now” philosophy can be used at work, at home, and in relationships.

As a Confidence Coach, she teaches and demonstrates how to unlock the most magical level of your being. Her programs and classes are carefully crafted to expedite your learning curve around spiritual growth and maximizing your potential. With over 50 television appearances, her message has been featured on ABC, FOX, NBC, PBS, and in The Wall Street Journal. She is a prolific visionary who ignites deep possibility, joy, and transformation in her clients and audiences around the world.

How did you start your business?

Technically, according to my mother, I have been coaching since I was 3 years old. My first clients were my dolls. Professionally, I began coaching after studying NLP and Hypnosis in 2003.

Your challenges and how you overcame them?

My biggest challenge was pulling myself out of the gutter literally and figuratively. My addiction led me to the tenderloin in San Francisco and time on Skid Row in Los Angeles. Dropping to that level in life is nearly impossible to transcend. It took every fiber of my being to get sober and keep putting one foot in front of the other. The cause of my downward spiral was untreated chronic depression that I experienced after the death of my father. He was dead for 3 days before anyone found his body and it broke me to my core.

Advice to others in that field?

My advice to others in the coaching profession would be to walk your talk, especially now on this planet. We have to hold ourselves to the highest standards and not compromise just for the sake of having clients and making money. When you focus on the soul before you, from a place of integrity, you don’t have to worry about getting clients. Those who need your services will find you. For years, I never even had to advertise. The transformation of the people I worked with, led to word of mouth and people found out about me because someone else shared their experience with others.

What should we know?  

That we were not born to fear our survival. We did not come here to be afraid of living. We came to live and be fully alive!

What do you do best?

What I do best is connect with the greatest potential of the people in front of me and then show them how to fearlessly access their power...quickly. I am known for shortening the learning curve for clients and audiences. I have a skill for making complex issues clear, concise and extremely practical.

What sets you apart from the competition? ‍

My aura. Each of us has a unique energy that surrounds us and when we unapologetically stand in it. I have a strong sense of purpose and in many ways that gives me an advantage. I have never wanted to blend in and as a result, that mindset helps me stand out.

When did you realize entrepreneurship was right for you?

I knew it was the path for me by the time I was 8 years old. My first business venture was braiding hair for adults in my neighborhood. I taught myself how to braid my own hair first and then I became my own “billboard.” I remember people being surprised by how good I was at such a young age. They were also surprised at how much I charged:) I knew my value and I was not afraid to express that I was worth it.

What are your future business goals?

I want to develop lifestyle products that help people stay focused on the NOW. Humans are either trapped mentally in their past or filled with anxiety about the future. The majority of the thoughts they think daily are the same things they worried about the day before. The only moment we ever have is now and when we bring all of ourselves to each moment fully we align with the flow of the Universe. We become magnets for the things that we desire.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote?

My motto in life is “NOW can be the now.” I am a big proponent of taking action and seizing the opportunity and the gifts that are available to us every day. My connection with you, for example, is a direct result of taking action in the NOW.

Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

I believe that on an unconscious level my soul came here knowing that what the great philosophers said about the present moment was true. All the wonderful things that have happened to me have happened as a result of me saying “yes” to the precious moment before me. The best “yes” I have ever said is when a stranger (who rescued me in an alley by a dumpster drinking a beer) asked me if I had a problem with drugs and alcohol. That yes changed the entire trajectory of my life.

How can our readers further follow your work?

My website is:  

My IG is: @living_with_snowflakes

My Tik Tok is: @the_real_snowflakes

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