October 13, 2021

Meet Manny X Artist And Producer

My name is Manny X. Manny was my nickname but the X has a deeper meaning. I was born in Ponce, PR and came to Rhode Island at the age of 5. I grew up between cities but mostly in Pawtucket and Providence. I loved growing up here. The energy of the creative capital definitely rubbed off on me! I grew up in church where I learned to play music by ear and the experiences and understanding I gained from those days really helped me develop my talent and grow a vision.

How did you learn to mix and produce your own music and how has those skills helped you succeed in your music career today?

I learned to produce music and mix by accident back in 2003. When I graduated high school I knew I wanted to make music and I was determined to do it by any means. By that time, I was already playing piano for the church I was attending and was gaining lots of experience working at a friend's studio. It was there that I began to dabble with production. Within a year of learning how the equipment worked, I was making music for myself and helping other youth talent within the church record their songs and share them with the congregation. I started recording myself around 2004 and in 2008 I released my first project titled "Just Me".

I called it "Just Me" because it really was just me doing everything in my basement. Engineering music is a whole other beast aside from producing , writing and performing. It took many years to really wrap my head around each of those elements are and develop my ear to learn what to listen for in each of those realms. Those skills have helped me run a music studio / build a production team / begin a label where I can develop talent, create unique vibes and experiment with fusion of styles, sounds, genres, rhythms and even how to properly record vocals, harmonies and layers that can really add dimension to a song.

What was your experience working with Dan Rosario and T-pain? how did you guys connect and Tell us about your viral experience and how these experiences helped you in your music career ?

Ah, well...this goes back a bit! You see, in a way it's always felt like God has had his hands in my life but it was only something I've been able to tell in hindsight. In 2009, I made a song called "Forever Yours" (Produced by VOZ) and it went viral on youtube (millions of plays were amassed). This was before I even had my own youtube channel for "Manny X". That experience inspired me to push harder and begin to believe in myself.I began releasing songs and giving them out for free and through those interactions, I was connected with Dan Rosario, which shot/directed/edited my first music video in 2011 ("I Just Wanna Know": https://youtu.be/GjdBSJqCMJ4  

Dan really changed my life. He became a great friend, a mentor, confidant, brother, creative inspiration and collaborator and directed many of my music videos ever since.Shortly after releasing my first video in 2011, I submitted the video for a nationwide competition hosted by Guitar Center. The video i submitted won the nationwide competition and was hand selected by T-Pain as the winner ( "In Front of You" 2013 https://youtu.be/khzSS2ARisw. In summer of 2012, I went to ATL to work with T-Pain directly The story to all of this can be found more in detail via the #RAWFiles playlist on my youtube channel : https://youtu.be/TXK6xWfAz38

I had the experience of a lifetime being able to share the same space with T-Pain because of the gems he was dropping on me. He talked about what made some of his biggest hits so successful and really challenged me to level up my musicality. I left that experience realizing I had a lot of growing to do on a musical level to be able to match the level T-Pain was at. He was supportive, positive, inspiring, knowledgeable and open! I'm forever grateful!!

You have accomplished some great things congratulations I would love for you to tell me the story about how you won a nationwide competition?

Thank you thank you!! God is great!! The glory truly goes to Him. I've been doing music for a long long time. I took advantage during college to build on my understanding of theory so that I could expand on what I had learned by ear. Merging my innate ability to play by ear with my understanding of music theory helped me evolve my sound rapidly. During those years I was playing in wedding bands on the weekends and recording songs during the week when I was not in class or at work. It was a constant grind now that I remember. When the competition occurred, I flew down to Atlanta and first met with the producer of the record, Young Fyre to record at TreeSound Studios in ATL.

It was such a beautiful gift of an experience.I believe God prepared me for this journey from a child. By the time the opportunity came, I was ready to give my best. I brought my piano skills and production experience and teamed up with Young Fyre to craft some songs. I wrote "Over Again" that night. He thought it was a bop so we recorded it. The day after I went to meet up with T-Pain. I got to go to his house and work from his home studio (It was crazzzyyy). Working with T-Pain was magical. He is truly a unique soul and his energy fills the room. We spent a lot of time talking, I was just listening and soaking every moment in.

I was taking advice, studying everything I could about him and the experience of being in the studio with him, his process. It was nuts! I witnessed T-Pain have a conversation with me about the friend's zone, apply his twisted songwriting perspective to the issue, go in the booth and bang out a hook, with vocals, concept and lyrics in less than 45 minutes. I was the stuff of legends and I left feeling inspired to reach a new level in myself where I too can crank out quality, timeless art!

You play instruments as well how long have you been playing the piano for and can you tell us the reason why you grew ashamed of sharing your talents? I'm sure the world would have loved to hear your music.

Piano was my first love. I found beauty in it from the moment I first laid eyes on its patterned surface and pressed a key. I was about 10 years old. At first I would mimic songs I heard on the radio, or jingles on TV, theme songs, church bells or any melody that popped into my world. I wanted to discover it on the keys. It's been a long journey and a beautiful relationship I've been able to keep alive amidst the twists and turns of life. As I grew in music, I grew to respect and love it more and wanted to make sure that I wrote about things that felt honest to me, so I began to explore my heart, which ultimately led me into R&B/Soul music.

Between the years of 2013 - 2018, I grew ashamed of sharing my talents because I was worried that I could not match the work I had done alongside T-Pain, This forced me into seclusion - it forced me to "XSCAPE". I guess I was putting pressure on myself to do better than what I had done. So much so that I never really took the time to appreciate all that had happened. I almost didn't want to share the T-Pain song with people. Instead, I spent the next several years working on my craft, developing my abilities as a producer/songwriter, adapting to the ever-changing of sounds and energy in music and during that process, I found my sound and voice.

Can you tell us about your studio? What inspired you to open one and what were your goals for your studio? I was also wondering if you had a favorite local artist that you like to work with?

OASYS MUSIC GROUP. This was a vision I had one night when I was making music in a basement. I realized I was still 'underground' and I kept praying and manifesting a change and a growth in my art. I did so by drawing the OASYS logo on a napkin (The Seedling). In 2016, I realized it was time for me to take a chance on myself and opened up OASYS. I was inspired to call the seedling idea "OASYS" after reading the book "The Alchemist". In the book, the Oasis is a pivotal moment in the character's life where he meets the person that takes him to realize his dream. It's deep. But OASYS represented just that: OPPORTUNITY, GROWTH, CREATION, PURPOSE.

I don't have a favorite artist I like to work with but my favorite thing to do with Produce music that is a fusion of genres and styles so I would say my favorite types of sessions are the ones where multiple artists and musicians are creating together!The goal has always been to help artists reach their potential the way T-Pain helped me reach mine. I want OASYS to be a launchpad for artists while teaching them about ownership, publishing, royalties, music business, distribution and ways to find success. I want it to be more like a musical collective of great multi-lingual songwriters, bad-ass musicians, incredible artists and visionary people that want to help elevate the sounds and music scene in New England.

I want to teach artists how they can be their own label so we can all own our own and handle our business. I can only teach from experience so there are areas that I'm still trying to understand and learn about myself and I like to welcome these artist i'm building with to also explore ways that we can grow these visions together with every project.So far we have over 6 hours (100+ songs) worth of music released that was created/recorded/written/produced at OASYS. (OASYS SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RQxELqLqFCdFmsoZlJfug?si=eHNKQbVhTvmOaGup-t1DXQ )

What is your creative process like when you are making music? what inspires you?

What inspires me can vary from day to day. Most of the time, my experiences inspire me. I guess it really depends on the mood and the vibes I'm in.If I'm creating an R&B/Soul mellow type of vibes, then I usually start at the keys or through a melody that might be floating in my mind. When I'm at the piano, somehow I'm able to silence my mind and just flow. So a lot of times I let the melody take me places and I let the keys follow.

I look for the moments when my soul says "Yessss that felt good!" and I feed those moments, I recreate them over again until I sense where else the music wants to go. it's strange...If i'm creating something with a lot more energy and bounce, then I need to begin with a bass line and some kind of groove on the drums. Lately the grooves have been really afro-cuban as I've been tapping into that Taino Blood a lot more so it's led me to create some really fun, lively joints and has even challenged me to switch up flows and the way I write to continue growing as an artist.

How do you feel about getting your first nomination I know that has to be really exciting.

I honestly am still a little in awe about the whole thing. I received two nominations for "Best R&B/Soul Act" and "Best In State: Rhode Island" from the New England Music Awards. Believe me, I'm still a little in shock but i've been embracing it a little more as the day for the awards show approaches. (10/17/21 - www.nemusicawards.com It is really exciting because of all the work i've put in through the years and the growth I've had to experience to be at the level I am today.

I'm grateful but I haven't always done well with compliments. I try to remember that at the end of the day I'm just a vessel that God is using. I'm grateful that I get to live it out and that this body I inhabit is gifted with these moments and abilities, but I can't forget that this is for more than just me. Seeing how everything has been turning out is a sign from Him to keep pushing and keep building this vision I have with the artist he's placed in my life. Winning would mean a lot because it would represent many years of work and sacrifice paying off. God willing, I'd love to win both! You never know!! But believe me, I've been Praying & #Mannyfesting! haha One for me and one for the city!!! I hope to bring both of those trophies home to #PVD!!!

The pandemic was really hard for artists and creators. How was you able to stay creative during this time?

During the pandemic in 2020, I found a deeper need to release music with a message that can make us all think about what matters more. The year 2020 was filled with trying times that tested my will, faith and desire, as it did for many. That experience caused an awakening inside of me and an urgency to release a project, #XSCAPISM. In 2020, I dedicated countless hours to finishing up this vision because it felt like the right time.

I remember booking sessions with artists and feeling like in a way, the space was also a safe haven for these creatives to come and let everything out, express themselves, escape the drama and produce something that can represent their dedication and passion amidst crisis. I felt really blessed and lucky to have made the move to start the studio when I did because by the time the pandemic hit, We had so many projects going with different artists that it felt more like we were hanging out with family just staying positive and lifting each other up. The fellowship I have with these artists and the encouragement we give each other really helped me keep my sanity during the pandemic

Tell us about your album XSCAPISM what can we expect to hear from the album.

XSCAPISM (https://album.link/s/4ZNptccHnXkEQyvRideFqh is a story of love. It is, in some ways, my story...and in other ways, a story we all experience. It is broken down into 3 ACTS. Each ACT is comprised of two songs and some musical interludes that weave the songs together. The songs talk about chapters of love throughout the different relationships we endure. The interludes serve as a narration of sorts for the listener to follow. The narrator voice (The Robotic Voice) is actually me singing on a talkbox. If you listen while reading the lyrics, you'll experience something special. The narrator you hear throughout the album is part of a much larger vision which involves an anime cartoon that is paired to the album (in development). All of these chapters i've experience in life contributed to the album. This is why I believe it took years to create. There were things that I had not yet experienced that were vital in the culmination of this album including producing the music to my collaboration with T-Pain for "In Front Of You".

Is there anyone you would like to thank that helped you along in your journey?

There are sooooo many people. I don't even know where to begin. But I'd like to thank God for this gift of music and the doors it has led me to walk through, I pray that he continue to light my path and guide my steps and this journey i've been on continues to unfold before my eyes. I'm so thankful for my family, my brothers and sister, Dre, Priscilla Montero, Dan Rosario, T-Pain, Jamez Martin, Yahmil, Sway, Jay, Fabian, Pedro, Julio, Scotty, Randolph, The Boston Common Band, The City of Providence, Mary Gipson, Esaie, Ben, Evolix, Olivia, Red Martinez, NVE, NU3VO, Mistah Vireak, TAPA, Guitar Center, DJ Jules, DJ Head Honcho, Lord Gremithy, B08 Studios, Valor, KelKeyz, Frankie, Bola, Jojo, Bebe, Johneric, Mike Maven, Kyle Nagel, Jackie Sanchez, Maio, Luchi, Eliseito, Apostle, Luis Acevedo, Bishop Herson Gonzalez and so many close friends that have always been supportive and buying my CDs, downloading my songs and albums, streaming the vibes, rocking the merchandise with the OASYS logo, y'all don't understand how much it fills my heart to see that kind of love from my people! THANK YOU!!!

What is next for you?

Well, right now I'm focused on killing this performance I have at the New England Music Awards this Sunday, October 17, 2021! But afterwards, I have a few singles lines up and a Duet EP I will be releasing with the wifey, Priscilla Montero. We have this really dope, 5-song EP full of latin flavor and love and it's such a great listen all the way through. That's how we intend to start off 2022 and in the Summer of 2022, I would love to see about putting together a live event to showcase all of the wonderful talent we have been developing at OASYS and to share more of Providence with the world! SOCIALS: www.instagram.com/iammannyx www.facebook.com/iammannyx www.twitter.com/MannyX www.youtube.com/OASYSMusicGroup www.mannyxworld.com Shoutout to you, Remi!!! Keep killing it and using your platforms and the doors you've opened to create more opportunities for the artists and entrepreneurs that you are connected to! God is using you, sis. Stay blessed and thank you again!! <3

October 13, 2021

Meet Manny X Artist And Producer

My name is Manny X. Manny was my nickname but the X has a deeper meaning. I was born in Ponce, PR and came to Rhode Island at the age of 5. I grew up between cities but mostly in Pawtucket and Providence. I loved growing up here. The energy of the creative capital definitely rubbed off on me! I grew up in church where I learned to play music by ear and the experiences and understanding I gained from those days really helped me develop my talent and grow a vision.

How did you learn to mix and produce your own music and how has those skills helped you succeed in your music career today?

I learned to produce music and mix by accident back in 2003. When I graduated high school I knew I wanted to make music and I was determined to do it by any means. By that time, I was already playing piano for the church I was attending and was gaining lots of experience working at a friend's studio. It was there that I began to dabble with production. Within a year of learning how the equipment worked, I was making music for myself and helping other youth talent within the church record their songs and share them with the congregation. I started recording myself around 2004 and in 2008 I released my first project titled "Just Me".

I called it "Just Me" because it really was just me doing everything in my basement. Engineering music is a whole other beast aside from producing , writing and performing. It took many years to really wrap my head around each of those elements are and develop my ear to learn what to listen for in each of those realms. Those skills have helped me run a music studio / build a production team / begin a label where I can develop talent, create unique vibes and experiment with fusion of styles, sounds, genres, rhythms and even how to properly record vocals, harmonies and layers that can really add dimension to a song.

What was your experience working with Dan Rosario and T-pain? how did you guys connect and Tell us about your viral experience and how these experiences helped you in your music career ?

Ah, well...this goes back a bit! You see, in a way it's always felt like God has had his hands in my life but it was only something I've been able to tell in hindsight. In 2009, I made a song called "Forever Yours" (Produced by VOZ) and it went viral on youtube (millions of plays were amassed). This was before I even had my own youtube channel for "Manny X". That experience inspired me to push harder and begin to believe in myself.I began releasing songs and giving them out for free and through those interactions, I was connected with Dan Rosario, which shot/directed/edited my first music video in 2011 ("I Just Wanna Know": https://youtu.be/GjdBSJqCMJ4  

Dan really changed my life. He became a great friend, a mentor, confidant, brother, creative inspiration and collaborator and directed many of my music videos ever since.Shortly after releasing my first video in 2011, I submitted the video for a nationwide competition hosted by Guitar Center. The video i submitted won the nationwide competition and was hand selected by T-Pain as the winner ( "In Front of You" 2013 https://youtu.be/khzSS2ARisw. In summer of 2012, I went to ATL to work with T-Pain directly The story to all of this can be found more in detail via the #RAWFiles playlist on my youtube channel : https://youtu.be/TXK6xWfAz38

I had the experience of a lifetime being able to share the same space with T-Pain because of the gems he was dropping on me. He talked about what made some of his biggest hits so successful and really challenged me to level up my musicality. I left that experience realizing I had a lot of growing to do on a musical level to be able to match the level T-Pain was at. He was supportive, positive, inspiring, knowledgeable and open! I'm forever grateful!!

You have accomplished some great things congratulations I would love for you to tell me the story about how you won a nationwide competition?

Thank you thank you!! God is great!! The glory truly goes to Him. I've been doing music for a long long time. I took advantage during college to build on my understanding of theory so that I could expand on what I had learned by ear. Merging my innate ability to play by ear with my understanding of music theory helped me evolve my sound rapidly. During those years I was playing in wedding bands on the weekends and recording songs during the week when I was not in class or at work. It was a constant grind now that I remember. When the competition occurred, I flew down to Atlanta and first met with the producer of the record, Young Fyre to record at TreeSound Studios in ATL.

It was such a beautiful gift of an experience.I believe God prepared me for this journey from a child. By the time the opportunity came, I was ready to give my best. I brought my piano skills and production experience and teamed up with Young Fyre to craft some songs. I wrote "Over Again" that night. He thought it was a bop so we recorded it. The day after I went to meet up with T-Pain. I got to go to his house and work from his home studio (It was crazzzyyy). Working with T-Pain was magical. He is truly a unique soul and his energy fills the room. We spent a lot of time talking, I was just listening and soaking every moment in.

I was taking advice, studying everything I could about him and the experience of being in the studio with him, his process. It was nuts! I witnessed T-Pain have a conversation with me about the friend's zone, apply his twisted songwriting perspective to the issue, go in the booth and bang out a hook, with vocals, concept and lyrics in less than 45 minutes. I was the stuff of legends and I left feeling inspired to reach a new level in myself where I too can crank out quality, timeless art!

You play instruments as well how long have you been playing the piano for and can you tell us the reason why you grew ashamed of sharing your talents? I'm sure the world would have loved to hear your music.

Piano was my first love. I found beauty in it from the moment I first laid eyes on its patterned surface and pressed a key. I was about 10 years old. At first I would mimic songs I heard on the radio, or jingles on TV, theme songs, church bells or any melody that popped into my world. I wanted to discover it on the keys. It's been a long journey and a beautiful relationship I've been able to keep alive amidst the twists and turns of life. As I grew in music, I grew to respect and love it more and wanted to make sure that I wrote about things that felt honest to me, so I began to explore my heart, which ultimately led me into R&B/Soul music.

Between the years of 2013 - 2018, I grew ashamed of sharing my talents because I was worried that I could not match the work I had done alongside T-Pain, This forced me into seclusion - it forced me to "XSCAPE". I guess I was putting pressure on myself to do better than what I had done. So much so that I never really took the time to appreciate all that had happened. I almost didn't want to share the T-Pain song with people. Instead, I spent the next several years working on my craft, developing my abilities as a producer/songwriter, adapting to the ever-changing of sounds and energy in music and during that process, I found my sound and voice.

Can you tell us about your studio? What inspired you to open one and what were your goals for your studio? I was also wondering if you had a favorite local artist that you like to work with?

OASYS MUSIC GROUP. This was a vision I had one night when I was making music in a basement. I realized I was still 'underground' and I kept praying and manifesting a change and a growth in my art. I did so by drawing the OASYS logo on a napkin (The Seedling). In 2016, I realized it was time for me to take a chance on myself and opened up OASYS. I was inspired to call the seedling idea "OASYS" after reading the book "The Alchemist". In the book, the Oasis is a pivotal moment in the character's life where he meets the person that takes him to realize his dream. It's deep. But OASYS represented just that: OPPORTUNITY, GROWTH, CREATION, PURPOSE.

I don't have a favorite artist I like to work with but my favorite thing to do with Produce music that is a fusion of genres and styles so I would say my favorite types of sessions are the ones where multiple artists and musicians are creating together!The goal has always been to help artists reach their potential the way T-Pain helped me reach mine. I want OASYS to be a launchpad for artists while teaching them about ownership, publishing, royalties, music business, distribution and ways to find success. I want it to be more like a musical collective of great multi-lingual songwriters, bad-ass musicians, incredible artists and visionary people that want to help elevate the sounds and music scene in New England.

I want to teach artists how they can be their own label so we can all own our own and handle our business. I can only teach from experience so there are areas that I'm still trying to understand and learn about myself and I like to welcome these artist i'm building with to also explore ways that we can grow these visions together with every project.So far we have over 6 hours (100+ songs) worth of music released that was created/recorded/written/produced at OASYS. (OASYS SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0RQxELqLqFCdFmsoZlJfug?si=eHNKQbVhTvmOaGup-t1DXQ )

What is your creative process like when you are making music? what inspires you?

What inspires me can vary from day to day. Most of the time, my experiences inspire me. I guess it really depends on the mood and the vibes I'm in.If I'm creating an R&B/Soul mellow type of vibes, then I usually start at the keys or through a melody that might be floating in my mind. When I'm at the piano, somehow I'm able to silence my mind and just flow. So a lot of times I let the melody take me places and I let the keys follow.

I look for the moments when my soul says "Yessss that felt good!" and I feed those moments, I recreate them over again until I sense where else the music wants to go. it's strange...If i'm creating something with a lot more energy and bounce, then I need to begin with a bass line and some kind of groove on the drums. Lately the grooves have been really afro-cuban as I've been tapping into that Taino Blood a lot more so it's led me to create some really fun, lively joints and has even challenged me to switch up flows and the way I write to continue growing as an artist.

How do you feel about getting your first nomination I know that has to be really exciting.

I honestly am still a little in awe about the whole thing. I received two nominations for "Best R&B/Soul Act" and "Best In State: Rhode Island" from the New England Music Awards. Believe me, I'm still a little in shock but i've been embracing it a little more as the day for the awards show approaches. (10/17/21 - www.nemusicawards.com It is really exciting because of all the work i've put in through the years and the growth I've had to experience to be at the level I am today.

I'm grateful but I haven't always done well with compliments. I try to remember that at the end of the day I'm just a vessel that God is using. I'm grateful that I get to live it out and that this body I inhabit is gifted with these moments and abilities, but I can't forget that this is for more than just me. Seeing how everything has been turning out is a sign from Him to keep pushing and keep building this vision I have with the artist he's placed in my life. Winning would mean a lot because it would represent many years of work and sacrifice paying off. God willing, I'd love to win both! You never know!! But believe me, I've been Praying & #Mannyfesting! haha One for me and one for the city!!! I hope to bring both of those trophies home to #PVD!!!

The pandemic was really hard for artists and creators. How was you able to stay creative during this time?

During the pandemic in 2020, I found a deeper need to release music with a message that can make us all think about what matters more. The year 2020 was filled with trying times that tested my will, faith and desire, as it did for many. That experience caused an awakening inside of me and an urgency to release a project, #XSCAPISM. In 2020, I dedicated countless hours to finishing up this vision because it felt like the right time.

I remember booking sessions with artists and feeling like in a way, the space was also a safe haven for these creatives to come and let everything out, express themselves, escape the drama and produce something that can represent their dedication and passion amidst crisis. I felt really blessed and lucky to have made the move to start the studio when I did because by the time the pandemic hit, We had so many projects going with different artists that it felt more like we were hanging out with family just staying positive and lifting each other up. The fellowship I have with these artists and the encouragement we give each other really helped me keep my sanity during the pandemic

Tell us about your album XSCAPISM what can we expect to hear from the album.

XSCAPISM (https://album.link/s/4ZNptccHnXkEQyvRideFqh is a story of love. It is, in some ways, my story...and in other ways, a story we all experience. It is broken down into 3 ACTS. Each ACT is comprised of two songs and some musical interludes that weave the songs together. The songs talk about chapters of love throughout the different relationships we endure. The interludes serve as a narration of sorts for the listener to follow. The narrator voice (The Robotic Voice) is actually me singing on a talkbox. If you listen while reading the lyrics, you'll experience something special. The narrator you hear throughout the album is part of a much larger vision which involves an anime cartoon that is paired to the album (in development). All of these chapters i've experience in life contributed to the album. This is why I believe it took years to create. There were things that I had not yet experienced that were vital in the culmination of this album including producing the music to my collaboration with T-Pain for "In Front Of You".

Is there anyone you would like to thank that helped you along in your journey?

There are sooooo many people. I don't even know where to begin. But I'd like to thank God for this gift of music and the doors it has led me to walk through, I pray that he continue to light my path and guide my steps and this journey i've been on continues to unfold before my eyes. I'm so thankful for my family, my brothers and sister, Dre, Priscilla Montero, Dan Rosario, T-Pain, Jamez Martin, Yahmil, Sway, Jay, Fabian, Pedro, Julio, Scotty, Randolph, The Boston Common Band, The City of Providence, Mary Gipson, Esaie, Ben, Evolix, Olivia, Red Martinez, NVE, NU3VO, Mistah Vireak, TAPA, Guitar Center, DJ Jules, DJ Head Honcho, Lord Gremithy, B08 Studios, Valor, KelKeyz, Frankie, Bola, Jojo, Bebe, Johneric, Mike Maven, Kyle Nagel, Jackie Sanchez, Maio, Luchi, Eliseito, Apostle, Luis Acevedo, Bishop Herson Gonzalez and so many close friends that have always been supportive and buying my CDs, downloading my songs and albums, streaming the vibes, rocking the merchandise with the OASYS logo, y'all don't understand how much it fills my heart to see that kind of love from my people! THANK YOU!!!

What is next for you?

Well, right now I'm focused on killing this performance I have at the New England Music Awards this Sunday, October 17, 2021! But afterwards, I have a few singles lines up and a Duet EP I will be releasing with the wifey, Priscilla Montero. We have this really dope, 5-song EP full of latin flavor and love and it's such a great listen all the way through. That's how we intend to start off 2022 and in the Summer of 2022, I would love to see about putting together a live event to showcase all of the wonderful talent we have been developing at OASYS and to share more of Providence with the world! SOCIALS: www.instagram.com/iammannyx www.facebook.com/iammannyx www.twitter.com/MannyX www.youtube.com/OASYSMusicGroup www.mannyxworld.com Shoutout to you, Remi!!! Keep killing it and using your platforms and the doors you've opened to create more opportunities for the artists and entrepreneurs that you are connected to! God is using you, sis. Stay blessed and thank you again!! <3

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